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一种新型微生物燃料电池发生装置 专利
专利类型: 实用新型, 专利号: 2020202269672, 申请日期: 2020-02-28,
Inventors:  宋诚;  刘鸿;  吕岳川;  王兴祖;  王厦;  殷逢俊;  黄秋云;  易璇;  胡贫
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一种多通道BOD在线快速测定仪 专利
专利类型: 实用新型, 专利号: 2019208153516, 申请日期: 2019-05-31,
Inventors:  宋诚;  刘鸿;  陈昭明;  王厦;  黄秋云;  殷逢俊
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Unveiling the role of gas permeability in air cathodes and performance enhancement by waterproof membrane fabricating method 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES, 2020, 卷号: 449, 页码: 9
Authors:  Yin, Fengjun;  Hu, Pin;  Song, Cheng;  Wang, Sha;  Liu, Hong
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Air cathode  Gas permeability  Oxygen reduction reaction  Rate limiting process  Waterproof membrane  
一种气体扩散阴极组件及其电池组件 专利
专利类型: 实用新型, 专利号: 2019210433905, 申请日期: 2019-07-05,
Inventors:  刘鸿;  殷逢俊;  宋诚;  刘元;  黄秋云;  王厦
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一种微生物燃料电池换液装置 专利
专利类型: 实用新型, 专利号: 2019204595616, 申请日期: 2019-04-04,
Inventors:  宋诚;  刘鸿;  王厦;  殷逢俊;  黄秋云
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一种连续流微生物燃料电池发生装置 专利
专利类型: 实用新型, 专利号: 2019204577800, 申请日期: 2019-04-04,
Inventors:  宋诚;  刘鸿;  王厦;  殷逢俊;  黄秋云
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Validation of H2O2-mediated pathway model for elucidating oxygen reduction mechanism: Experimental evidences and theoretical simulations 期刊论文
ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA, 2019, 卷号: 313, 页码: 378-388
Authors:  Yin, Fengjun;  Liu, Yuan;  Wang, Sha;  Wang, Chuan;  Liu, Hong
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Oxygen reduction reaction  H2O2-Mediated strategy  Pathway model  Tendency  Electrochemical kinetics  
Assessing the electron transfer and oxygen mass transfer of the oxygen reduction reaction using a new electrode kinetic equation 期刊论文
PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 2018, 卷号: 20, 期号: 23, 页码: 16159-16166
Authors:  Yin, Fengjun;  Liu, Yuan;  Wang, Chuan;  Liu, Hong
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Semi-continuous pressurized hot water extraction of black tea 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF FOOD ENGINEERING, 2018, 卷号: 227, 页码: 30-41
Authors:  He, Chunlan;  Du, Hongfei;  Tan, Chunbin;  Chen, Zhong;  Chen, Zeliang;  Yin, Fengjun;  Xu, Yuanjian;  Liu, Xiaoling
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Extraction conditions  Subcritical water  Flavanols  Caffeine  Theophylline  
A force-based mechanistic model for describing activated sludge settling process 期刊论文
WATER RESEARCH, 2017, 卷号: 127, 页码: 118-126
Authors:  Xu, Guihua;  Yin, Fengjun;  Xu, Yuanjian;  Yu, Han-Qing
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Activated sludge  Settling process  Force-based model  Secondary settling tank  Solids pressure